
Welcome to Apex5, a leading provider of Nile Valley’s luxury linens to the finest hotels and homes worldwide. Our Boutiques exhibits an exclusive collection of world-class Nile Valley linens such as Egyptian cotton sheets, Egyptian cotton towels, Custom linens as well as home accessories for the bed, bath, and table. Richness you can see and feel. Exquisite detailing and expert finishing.


Quality is always in the details, and every Nile Valley Linens product sets the standard for quality in materials and craftsmanship.

In 1989 we established Apex5 as a service provider in linen and soft furnishing”
In the next few years, we started the activity in representations as well as import & export of Egyptian cotton bedding

Who we are?

Shortly after our trademark Brand Nile Valley was established in Singapore. Since then, we have been the sole distributor for Nile Valley’s products. Being in this business for many years has made us gain experience in dealing in the best quality merchandise. We supply a chain of Department stores, online sales, and export and also have a few of our own boutiques in Singapore and Malaysia.

Quality is our Focus

So when Nile Valley was founded it was decided that our quality and range of products would represent, quite simply, the best. At the core of Nile Valley’s range are the bed linens which are equally suited both in traditional English homes and contemporary city apartments. Designed for practicality but intended to provide you with a little luxury every day, after all, we do spend a third of our lives in bed.